Meet Vincenzo!! Our fun and creative Laner of the Week!! A jack of all trades, this talented actor and musician plays the violin and made sushi professionally for 5 years. Although the quarantine has limited his gigs, he is currently using his spare time to learn coding! Never a dull moment with this Laner! Off the Lane, you can find him running his charitable organization, Fundraiser Underground. We love having this passionate and big hearted Laner on the team and can’t wait to see him back on the big screen!
Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?
Because it is an incredible group of individuals and the company truly cares for it’s team.
Where are you spending your Corona Quarantine time?
At home with an amazing young woman name Nichole 🙂
What do you miss most about normal life/ what are you most looking forward to when this is over?
Going to the climbing gym!
What is your favorite quarantined activity?
Playing tag with Nichole 😉
Have you discovered any new hobbies during quarantine?
Yes I have taken up coding!
If you’re supporting any local stores, which ones are your favorites?
Forever Coffee, Uptown Garrison, Kismet!
Who is the last person you spoke to?
My brother.
Positive take aways from having down time?
More time to focus on your thoughts.
Quarantine tips and tricks for staying sane??
Stay busy and give yourself a schedule. If your schedule seems to strict, give yourself a few days of freedom. Lather, rinse, repeat.
What is your greatest attribute as a BA?
I am approachable!