It’s that time of year again, when every determined, talented hopeful descends upon the Radisson Martinique on Broadway for one of our favorite client, Actor’s Pro Expo. This year’s event, held on April 18th, is crammed full of tantalizing workshops and entry is… FREE! (Like, FREE free? Yes, FREE free!)
Representatives from casting offices such as Judy Henderson, Adrienne Stern, and Bernie Telsey will be at the Actors Pro Expo! Jay Binder and Michael Cassara will be there in person! There is an entire seminar with Thom Goff, who works behind the scenes at Actors Access and Breakdown Services. At the Actors Pro Expo, there will be classes on dramatic improvisation and live-versus-on-camera audition technique. In other words, invaluable information will be passed down from the higher-ups in the industry. If you’re a struggling, fantastic actor type, make sure that you’re there! Here on Mustard Lane, we couldn’t be more proud of our participation in the Actors Pro Expo… and how much does it cost?
Oh yeah– it’s free!