Meet Sophia!! Our joyful and talented Laner of the Week! Sophia began their career with the Chicago Children’s Choir performing Otello and Carmina Burana with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. She performed in Heidi Rodewald’s The Good Swimmer, Woman 1 in Songs for a New World at UIUC, and Eve in Rev23 at the New York Prototype Festival! Talented and BUSY Laner! Sophia is a 2021 Grammy Nominee for her collaborative work on the Original Cast Recording of Place. Their debut solo album will be released on October 15th. We LOVE having this creative and passionate Laner on our team!
What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?
My fellow Laners!! Everyone is so nice and has made me feel so welcome in this brand new city.
What is a quote that really resonates with you?
You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face.
How do you define success?
Knowing myself completely and feeling fulfilled in whatever I find myself doing.
Whats the last thing you watched on Netflix?
Season 3 of Master of None. The Black queer love was EVERYTHING.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
The Baha’i Temple in Chicago.
What pets did you have growing up?
My dog, Jazz
What is a movie title that best describes you?
Oh gosh! I have no idea!! Something good!
What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?
I can solve a Rubik’s cube in about a minute but sometimes 5 minutes if I mess it up.
What is something you will NEVER do again?
Consume wasabi (I was 8 and thought it was guacamole).
Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? Or are you a mashup of celebrities? Which ones?
I used to get Ariana Grande a lot which I did not understand but now I get Zoë Kravitz.
Whats a brand or event that you would love to represent/work should the chance ever arise?
Sofar Sounds.
To learn more about Sophia feel free to check out her Instagram @sophiarosebyrd!