Simon Kiser is our Laner of the Week!!

M / L

Meet Simon!! Our tough and talented Laner of the Week! This actor and musician is a force! Professionally, he is a fight choreographer, actor, and composer. When he’s not busy on the Lane he’s grabbing onto all entertainment gigs he can get his hands on and gaining experience along the way! He can take on any ML role we throw at him! And off the Lane, he’s busy trying to nail down the perfect tikka masala recipe. We love having this well rounded and creative Laner on our team!

Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?

I’ve been working hospitality and customer service jobs my entire life, but they rarely incorporate my love for performance the way Lane work does!

If you could be any kind of pie, what would you be?

Strawberry rhubarb!

What is your dream vacation?

Going on a tour of every national park!

Who was your childhood crush?

The entire cast of Lord of the Rings, in Perpetuum.

What would we find in your fridge right now?

This very second, you’d find a troubling amount of leftover Chinese takeout

What is your go to Karaoke song?

“Teenagers,” by My Chemical Romance, and I will never apologize for this.

Any special skills we should know about?

I’ve been a martial artist and stage fighter for over a decade.  I can convincingly handle any real or fictional prop weapon!

What are your passions??

Acting and songwriting!

What is the wallpaper on your phone right now?

A picture of my exceptionally rude miniature schnauzer, Oscar, forgetting how to walk down the stairs.

To learn more about Simon feel free to check out his Instagram @simonkiser !