Shanice Phillips is the Laner of the Week!

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Shanice Phillips: Entrepreneur, Artist, Happy Enthusiast

This week’s #Laner of the Week, Shanice Phillips, considers herself to be an actress, writer, director and entrepreneur. Thanks to her work with Mustard Lane, she can now add brand ambassador and promotional model to that list. (We would like to add “all-around bad-ass” too!) She is a beautiful young woman with a captivating smile!  This Austin-based #LOTW graduated from Texas Lutheran University in May of 2015 with a degree in dramatic media and psychology. She dove right away into producing her own short films: Affairs (2014) and Crave (2015). In addition to producing, she also acted in, wrote and directed each piece. “I am committed wholeheartedly to my craft and defining my happiness,” says Shanice, who describes herself as a “realist.”   She manages to accomplish all of this while holding a full-time job at her alma mater, where she works in admissions. We hired Shanice Phillips to work the SXSW Festival as part of the Comedy Central Kegs & Eggs team. This popular event gave out free beer and breakfast tacos to festival-goers.  (Understandably popular!)  Shanice’s particular responsibility lay in working the prize wheel sponsored by Little Caesar’s, a la Vanna White.  It was “legit, fun, and a great resume booster,” she says. Even though it was her first event with us, she says, “I love being a Laner! Laners are professional, enthusiastic, and people who you would love to work with on a daily basis. Not to mention that the staff is beyond helpful and just plain awesome.” Aw, thank you Shanice! Check out Shanice Phillips’ website for more information about her and her awesome projects. Or you can follow her on Instagram at IAM_ShanicePhillips.  We wish her all the best of luck in the future. We can’t wait to work with her again.