Laner Feature: Jessica Broomhead

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Meet the incredible Jessica Broomhead! She started on the Lane in Vegas and was an all star out there! When she moved to NYC she quickly became one our our go-to NY Laners! Jessica is professional, responsible and amazing with people! She has taken her talents to Real Estate and we’re so excited for her! Read below to learn about Jessica’s new venture and how she can help YOU find your next home!

What is the new job or project you’ve been working on?

This year, I joined Compass in Westchester as a licensed Realtor. In addition to listing homes and apartments for sale, I work with a lot buyers from NYC who are moving from the city to the ‘burbs for the very first time. I educate them on the home-buying process, suggest the towns that would best suit their lifestyle, and help them find and snag the perfect home!

What made you go in this direction?

When I was a dance captain, one of my favorite parts of the job was helping others achieve their dreams & seeing the joy on their face when they overcome an obstacle or goal. The same is true in the real estate business! Romantically speaking, I was looking for a way to help people – guiding them to achieve their dream of ownership or to move forward into a new phase of life. Practically speaking – I found a gap in the market. I’d previously owned my own social media consulting business and while I decided that wasn’t the best fit for my long-term career, I knew I could use those skills to get an edge on the competition. Social media and digital marketing is highly underutilized in the real estate business, especially in suburban areas like Westchester. When combined with my passion for architecture and design, becoming a Realtor seemed like the perfect fit!

What has been the most exciting part of taking on this new adventure?

The most exciting thing about the real estate business (other than handing over those keys!) is that there are no limits, and no two days are the same. Don’t get me wrong, there are very tough days when you lose a client or deal that you’ve been working on for months, but you could wake up the next morning and sign your biggest client or listing to date! You never know what’s around the corner. It’s a rollercoaster, so it’s not for the faint of heart. But hustlers (like all great Laners are!) will thrive in the fast, ever-changing environment.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned throughout this journey?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned so far – and believe me, there are many – is not to put all your eggs in one basket. Things can, and will change in an instant, so it’s important to nurture as many relationships as you can and to give each transaction everything you’ve got.

What are you most looking forward to?

I say this all the time – my absolute favorite part of the job is handing over the keys to a new buyer. Lately, I’ve been working with a handful of first-time buyers – people who perhaps never felt like they could afford to buy their own place in New York. With a TON of hard work on their part, combined with record-low interest rates and a fabulous agent (wink), they have been able to make it happen and I cannot wait to see the look on their face when they realize their dream. For me, it is seriously the most rewarding moment when someone says – I couldn’t have done it without you. Other than the friendships I’ve made, it’s the best part of the job.

Do you have any advise to those looking to follow in your footsteps?

Getting your real estate license is fairly quick and inexpensive, but very few agents make it past their first year. To find success, you need to be in it full-time and for the long haul. Be prepared to make very little in your first 1-3 years, perhaps $0 for full-time effort for the first 6 months! You need to love the hustle – In most cases, you will be solely responsible for bringing in all of your own clients. You can’t be afraid to meet new people (Trust me, I am still working on this…) but at a minimum, you MUST find a way to put yourself out there on a regular basis. Choose a fantastic mentor who not only does a good amount of business, but someone who genuinely enjoys teaching and has time to give. You will have a million questions all the time. And please… call me for help and advice. Your support system is everything! The best thing about real estate is that no one will tell you what to do. The worst thing about real estate, though, is that no one will tell you what to do. If you can handle all of these things, you’ll find one of the most emotionally and financially rewarding careers out there!