Princeton Nunnery is our Laner of the Week!

M / L

Princeton is a Seattle based Laner who has been on the Lane for almost a year. So far his favorite event was work as a PA for Amazon’s National Hiring Day. Princeton enjoyed being apart of a team helping to employ thousands of people! When asked about the Lane Princeton said, “I love the high level of professionalism while still maintaining and promoting a exciting and enjoyable work culture! This is major. As a businessman, I know that when people are encouraged, appreciated, and compensated well, they’re going to be the most productive. ML’s implementation of this key principle is unmatched. That’s why ‘Once a Laner always a Laner.'”

Outside the Lane Princeton is attending the University of Washington and majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing as well as minoring in Drama. He also works as a mentor for foster/impoverished children. In addition, Princeton is starting a record label and publishing company. On top of all that Princeton is learning 3 languages and how to hip hop dance.

Princeton is a  singer, songwriter, model, and actor. He loves entertainment and enjoys spending quality time with his family and friends. He values traveling and has visited Dubai, South Africa as well as multiple states here in the U.S.! Princeton is a social butterfly with a huge appreciation for life! You’ll always catch him with a smile because everyday he wake up is another day to love life!

Blue vs Yellow?


What famous person would you want to meet?

Denzel Washington!

What is your spirit animal and why?

Black Panther – they symbolize intelligence, strength, stamina, beauty, love, and power.

Best pick up line you’ve heard?

You’re a Prince without a Princess….how can you become a king. Let me help you with that.

If a movie was made about your life, what actor would play you?

Me or Chadwick Boseman

What character have you always wanted to play?

Leonardo DiCaprio – Wolf of Wall Street

Favorite 90s jam

Unconditional Love – Tupac

Morning or night person?

Night person that thinks they’re a morning person lol

What’s your hidden talent?

I’m a singer and songwriter

What would you do with 15 minutes of fame?

Sing a song and deliver a speech about how special and beautiful everyone is!

What flavor ice cream would you be and why?

Cookies & Cream because everyone loves it and you can never get enough

Best thing that happened to you this week

Received notice that I might be in NYC for the summer!

What time period would you visit in history?

The 1980’s

What’s the longest word you know? (NO GOOGLING)


Who do you look up to the most and why?

God and my family because they’re a constant source of unconditional love.