Presley Hand is our Laner or the Week!!

M / L

Meet Presley!! Our beautiful and talented Laner of the Week!! Born and raised in Southern California, she loves the relaxed beach vibes the West Coast offers! Off the Lane you can find her spending time on the beach, gong on hikes, and connecting with nature. She stays busy pursuing her modeling and acting career in LA and hopes to be a role model to women! We are ALL about that life! We love having her talented and California spirit on our team!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

I love connecting with people! Especially after covid times, I feel such a strong urge for connection I love talking to individuals whether its giving them product knowledge, or simply asking how their day is going. 🙂

When you’re not on the Lane…what are you doing?!

When I’m not in the lane, I’m taking the next necessary steps to advance my acting & modeling career.

Favorite restaurant or food?

Vegan food!

What is one of your goals for 2023?

I want to volunteer my time more to important causes. I want to connect & help people more than anything.

Name a place you’d love to travel to. And why?!

Tahiti or Fiji! Such beautiful exotic islands.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

Meditation, Exercise, Journaling, Practicing Healthy Habits.

Do you prefer podcasts or books? Favorite one?

My favorite podcast right now is Actors on Actors with Austin Butler & Janelle Monáe.

What’s your hidden talent?!


If you could have your dream job tomorrow, what would it be?

Being a role model for young people, especially women.

What’s an essential part of your daily routine?

Telling myself how grateful thankful and blessed I am everyday I get to wake up & live another day.

What lesson did you learn the hard way?

No matter how much you love something, if its not good for you let it go.

What inspires you most?

My Dad.

To learn more about Presley, check out her instagram @presleyhand!