Our LANER OF THE WEEK is Jason Lee!

Matthew Borchers

Everyone, meet Jason Lee, a Taiwanese actor in New York! This Laner of the Week has a love for traveling to different places to explore and meet different people from all walks of life on the road. He feels the most joy in life by tapping into his creativity and using his creative superpower to express and connect through different media. Jason exposé below…!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

..that I can bring happiness and joy to the people around me! Besides, I get to embody the values of the brand and add a touch of my own personality, and spread the good vibes in an upbeat environment with the Laners as well.

When you’re not on the Lane as Laner of the Week…what are you doing?!

Reading self-help books, exercising, and taking art therapy sessions. Besides, I finished a Tantra self-growth group course for men in May. I value my well-being, and I’m doing my best to bring peace and center back to my life during this changing time.

Favorite restaurant or food?

I recommend Izakaya Mew, the Japanese restaurant and Jazz venue in Midtown NYC. The vibe is cozy, plus they have posters of Haruki Murakami’s book covers on the walls, which I like since I read a lot of his novels.

What is one of your goals for 2023?

Work-life balance, and I’m getting there. I just accomplished a goal I set last year: to book a significant role in a Shakespeare play! Currently I’m playing Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Industry City in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. I feel very lucky to be cast as one of the principals in this most-staged Shakespeare play.

Name a place you’d love to travel to. And why?!

Kathmandu, Nepal. I’d love to walk down the streets and visit the temples in the city, fully immersed in the spiritual scenes.

Now that you’ve reached Laner of the Week status, what’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

Enjoy sunshine at a beach or in a park close to the river; chill and relax reading a comic book or novel in a cafe; watch a classic film in one of my favorite cinemas in NYC.

Do you prefer podcasts or books? Favorite one?

Definitely books since I’m a hungry reader. It’s really hard to pick one favorite, but The Power of Myth just came to my mind. I admire Joseph Campbell and his influences on storytelling, so I recommend this book for people who are storytellers in their own ways.

What’s your hidden talent?!

I can make delicious fried rice.

If you could have your dream job tomorrow (other than Laner of the Week), what would it be?

To play one of the main characters in a coming-of-age film that inspires the audience.

What’s an essential part of your daily Laner routine?

Qigong and meditation in the morning to start my day feeling grounded and centered.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

Don’t feel guilty to prioritize yourself and set healthy boundaries. It’s OK to say no.

What is your favorite family/friend tradition?

Having a hot pot for dinner on Lunar New Year’s Eve.

What’s a brand or event that you would love to represent or work should the chance ever arise?

I’d love to represent a brand or work in an event promoting self-worth, celebrating you for being you, and providing practical and accessible self-care tools to everyone.

What inspires you most to be your Laner of the Week self?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and for the past few years, I’ve realized that this saga has been a lifelong inspiration for me since I watched the original trilogy on the big screen as a child. Luke Skywalker is my childhood hero. Looking back now, I’m amazed and delighted that his journey of becoming a Jedi really had a great impact on my life.

To learn more about Jason, check out his instagram @jason.c.h.lee !

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