Kiko as Laner of the Week

Our LANER OF THE WEEK is Kiko Santiago!

Matthew Borchers

Kiko is our Laner of the Week and he’s from Orlando, Florida! When he’s not busy killing it on the Lane, he loves working on art (Drawing/Painting) and he loves boxing. He even has an art project that’s on hold until he returns home…It’s…dramatic! Hmm…intriguing! More below!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

I like how the gigs are posted in DijonExpress. No need to search!

When you’re not on the Lane…what are you doing?!

Working as a Real Estate Agent!

Favorite restaurant or food?

Depends on the mood…too many options.

What is one of your goals for 2024?

I want to buy a Toyota MR-S.

Name a place you’d love to travel to. Any fun travel stories?!

Anywhere new! The stories are adding up…

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off from the Lane?

I love going to the gym, and getting a good workout in…and also relaxing.

If you could have your dream job tomorrow, what would it be?

Race Car Driver!

What’s an essential part of your daily routine?


What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

Growing Up. -__-

What’s your favorite Fall activity?!

It’s gotta be hiking trails!

What’s a brand or event that you would love to represent or work for the Lane should the chance ever arise?

I’d love to work an F1 Event.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

The future. 🙂

To learn more about Kiko, check out their instagram @kiko.1994

Are you lookin’ to dust off those acting chops? Our non-profit has a FREE Audition Workshop!