Meet Nichole!! Our California dreaming Laner of the Week!! Corona style! In her pre pandemic life, Nichole enjoys flying around the world as a corporate flight attendant. When she’s not on the Lane or in the air, you can find her performing with her dance group. She has given us lots of tips and tricks to stay sane during this lockdown and we are SO grateful for it!! We know that she will be returning to the Lane and to the skies, very shortly!!
Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?
I absolutely love my coworkers! Everyone that works for the company genuinely brightens my day and they are rockstars at their job!
Where are you spending your Corona Quarantine time?
Santa Monica, California with one roomie.
What do you miss most about normal life/ what are you most looking forward to when this is over?
I can’t wait to get back to traveling, dancing, and seeing all of my favorite people! It has been very strange having my wings clipped, but it has certainly reminded me to breathe and find the joy in the little things!
What is your favorite quarantined activity?
Running! I ran over 133 miles in the 1st month of quarantine, including 2 half marathons and a 15 mile run. If this goes on for much longer, I might be running my own personal marathon. (Please put some sparkly signs in your windows for me)
Have you discovered any new hobbies during quarantine?
I decided to learn how to skateboard and love it!
If you’re supporting any local stores, which ones are your favorites?
Every morning I have a juice from Kreation! Their juices are amazing and certainly help to keep me healthy during this crazy time. Not to mention their amazing staff that is always so kind.
Who is the last person you spoke to?
My grandma! I taught her how to call me through Facebook messenger. She’s the best!
Positive take aways from having down time?
I have been working since I was 15 and I have never had this kind of time to myself. Once the California Safer at Home order was placed I decided to tackle projects that I have been putting off for over a decade. I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to work on my mind, body, and soul. So far I have remodeled & reorganized my apartment, ran insane amount of miles, practiced my mediation, learned to skateboard, read several books, and completed a virtual photo shoot and music video. I also taught myself how to cook, bake, and be a beauty parlor of one. So far I have cut, dyed, and learned to style my hair with with rollers. I even did my own acrylic nails. Boredom is not part of my vocabulary.
Quarantine tips and tricks for staying sane??
Each day is a a new adventure and you need to do what feels right! Somedays I feel like I can conquer the world and other days just getting out of bed is my accomplishment. Being kind to yourself and staying positive is key! One of my favorite activities so far was planning my themed staycation. On the day I was supposed to leave for Hawaii, I created my own vacation at my apartment. I broke out my new swimsuit, took hula lessons online, and sipped tropical concoctions while eating sushi on my balcony. I even left myself treats for turndown service. I have always been a very independent and imaginative person, so I am having a blast entertaining myself.
What is your greatest attribute as a BA?
I don’t think of it as a job. I am there to get to know people and have fun along with them. 💃🏻