And just like that…August is coming to an end. What an exciting and busy month it was for our clients and Laners! With over 91 events/318 shifts staffed and 18 happy clients, our Laners were as busy as ever all across the country! Let’s hear what our internal team was working on this past month with our monthly recap!

What part of your job inspires you the most?

Any new Laners that have really stood out to you? And why?
“As I probably interview between one to eight people a day, asking me if any Laners stand out is like asking the Octamom ‘Do you have a favorite?’ All of our Laners stand out.
That being said, yes I definitely know some Laners who stand out. I have been thoroughly impressed as of late from a couple of Dallas All-Stars; Sarahi Sanchez and Joseph Kotay. Joseph jumped on board at the last minute to Manage an outdoor Movie Screening event that we had been planning for months. He stepped in, was communicative and extremely professional during the whole thing. Sarahi Sanchez rocked it out as a Dallas Manager with the Camp Retail Store this past weekend. The store hired extra helping hands for 5 extremely long days. And the kicker was that this event popped onto our radar only two days before the first shift date – so Sarahi jumped on board full force and was ready to lead.”

“In the good ol’ NYC – I have been super impressed with Skye Lindberg who was brought on only about 2 weeks ago and has already worked a BUNCH of gigs! Skye has also saved the day multiple times, picking up shifts last minute. And to top it off, she is fresh off the boat new to NYC. When she came in for her interview, she had only been in the city for a few days…so it’s safe to say Skye hit the ground running. But again, everyone we interview at Mustard Lane is impressive. Whether it’s their extremely well formatted Work Resumes, their laundry list of talents and skills or their ability to accurately relay current and popular Reality TV shows I should watch- I am always beside myself with how wonderful and unique each person is out there!” – Deven Anderson

What has it been like to go from working behind the scenes to a full time internal Laner?
“Over the last 8 years, I’ve loved working and managing all sorts of events with ML. I’m so happy that I didn’t have to give up having more of those kinds of experiences when taking on my new full time position on the internal team. I thoroughly enjoy my “behind the scenes” duties like coordinating logistics, staffing events, hiring Laners, among other things. It’s a perfect balance of sitting at a computer and bopping around the city, working all sorts of fun events. One of my favorite parts about my hybrid position is that it allows me to stay connected to the incredible NYC Laners. Also, getting to work in the office where there are often puppies and always cold brew + a gorgeous view + magically wonderful coworkers is the absolute best and leaves me feeling beyond lucky. I feel grateful every day to get to be a part of this team!” – Susie Gannon