Mauro Palmerin-Segura is our Laner of the Week!

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Meet Mauro! Our talented and passionate Laner of the Week!! Actor, singer, and dancer, Mauro’s greatest dream in life is to perform! Mauro grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, California and now calls Denver, Colorado home. He spends his days working as a manager for Lightshade and uses his nights to pursue his passion of acting! Lately, you can see him on stage at the One Night Stand Theatre or the Colorado Renaissance Fair! We love having Mauro on the Lane!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

Mustard Lane is full of great, fun people. It is a great company that has lots of opportunities and they are very flexible. Also, the venues are great spots to work and I have had a blast every time!

What is a quote that really resonates with you?

“A True Master is an Eternal Student” – Master Yi

How do you define success?

Success is a result of hard work and determination. Success may not happen on the first try but as long as you keep trying, success will happen.

Whats the last thing you watched on Netflix?


Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

Las Vegas, Nevada.

What pets did you have growing up?

I had 2 dogs growing up. Bear and Nala. Bear was a German Shepard mix and Nala was a Pitbull mix.

What is a movie title that best describes you?

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?

Singing, I have received awards and many compliments.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

Eat Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? Or are you a mashup of celebrities? Which ones?

Tom Ellis.

Whats a brand or event that you would love to represent/work should the chance ever arise?

I would love to be a Host/MC!

To learn more about Mauro feel free to check out his Instagram @mauroman4r!