Laner of the Week… Molly Garner!

M / L

Molly GarnerMolly Garner has been working for Mustard Lane off and on since 2009.  She met CEO Kristal Mallookis eight years ago at a ballet studio on the Upper East Side.  (Little known fact:  Mallookis is one hell of a dancer!)  They became fast friends, and Molly Garner has had the pleasure of watching Mustard Lane grow to the dynamic company it is today.  Nowadays, she handles the social media aspect of Mustard Lane, maintaining the Facebook and Twitter accounts, blogging occasionally, and basically keeping everyone up to date on the fabulous events on the Lane.  She does this while on the road with the national tour of Billy Elliot.  While Molly Garner loves Mustard Lane, she doesn’t actually like mustard, although she does keep some around for whipping up a homemade balsamic vinaigrette that her husband adores. Checking out her website at