Kate Wesler is our Laner of the Week!

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Meet Kate!! Our fabulous Laner of the Week comes from the NYC team!  Originally from Birmingham, Alabama this southern belle brings her positive attitude and bright smile to every event she works.  She loves events that include character work and is fearless about taking on new challenges!  Singer, dancer, and actress there is nothing this Laner can’t do! Most recently, she was part of the Broadway National Tour of Chicago! We can’t wait to see what this talented Laner does next!

Check out Kate’s website here!

Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?

I enjoy meeting new people as it goes alongside my theatrical career of performing and I rely on my dance skills to add energy and fun to all the events I work!

If you were a pie, what flavor would you be?

Sweet Potato Pie!

What is your dream vacation?

Vacation? What’s that!

How would your best friend describe you?

Funny, reliable, and busy!

What would we find in your fridge right now?

A pitcher of lemonade, a carton of almond milk, and sparkling water— hydration station!!

Who was your childhood crush?

My t-ball coach. Yes, I played t-ball.

What is your cheat day meal??

Chocolate, cookies, candy oh my!

What is the wallpaper on your cell phone right now?

Blue. Just plain blue so I can see my apps!

What is your greatest attribute as a BA?

Being reliable and personable!

What would be your superpower and why?

To fly, because BYE MTA!

To learn more about Kate feel free to check out her Instagram @kate.wesler!