Juan De La Cruz is our Laner of the Week!!

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Meet Juan! Our talented Laner of the Week!! Currently living in Valley Village, California this Laner loves adventures! He enjoys traveling, playing sports, riding motorcycles…all the fun parts of life! Off the Lane, he works for an education theatre company through Kaiser Permanente. He loves to make music and recently started a band (playing the drums) with a friend! He is such a joy to have on the Lane and we love his kind and passionate spirit!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

The positive and powerful energy that we provide for our clients. We bring the good vibes!

When you’re not on the Lane…what are you doing?!

When I am not on the lane I am working for Kaiser Permanente Educational Theatre! I’ve been a company member for 10 years and currently touring our social and emotional wellness high school program. We teach students everything they need to know about mental health (it’s beautiful work.). When I am not teaching students in need I am rocking out in the studio. I play drums in a band I started with a good friend of mine! Look out for us!

Favorite restaurant or food?

Sugar Fish in Studio City (Sushi = Life)

What is one of your goals for 2023?

Meditate more and manifest a beautiful world for everyone to live in filled with joy and happiness.

Name a place you’d love to travel to. And why?!

The Great Pyramids of Giza. I’ve always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt. I would really like to know how they were built, but just being there would be more than enough for me.

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

Being active! working out, playing drums in my band, playing on my softball team, eating all the food, hanging with friends and family.

Do you prefer podcasts or books? Favorite one?

Both. Reading at home and Podcast on the road (CrimeJunkies = Fav Podcast)

What’s your hidden talent?!

I can make you love me.

If you could have your dream job tomorrow, what would it be?

A job where I could tour the world playing music and also act in big projects with lots of passion!

What’s an essential part of your daily routine?

Meditation, Naps, Laughing Out Loud.

What is your favorite family or friend tradition?

Christmas at my parents house. We have all the family over and all the food (Pozole, Tamales, Pan Dulce)

What inspires you most?

My parents. My Mexican roots. Everyone I love.

To learn more about Juan, check out his instagram @juan_ofthecross!