Jorge Magana is our Laner of the Week!!

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Meet Jorge!! Our kind and talented Laner of the Week! Jorge is an actor, writer, and entrepreneur! He is passionate about film, technology, traveling, and photography. With a beautifully artistic mind, this Laner is kind and exudes humbleness in his life and around others. He is driven by surrounding himself with intelligent, funny, and caring people which is why he fits so well here on the Lane! He loves to travel and to connect with his family and his faith. We love his energy and are thrilled to have him on our team!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

Mustard Lane gives me the opportunity to work with amazing people at incredible events and for remarkable brands.

What is a quote that really resonates with you?

I actually have two: “Live life with kindness!” and “You don’t have to live your life to other’s expectations. The only expectations that matter is those you set for yourself.”

How do you define success?

Success may mean different things to different people, but ultimately for me success comes when whatever it is your focus is on: family, work, relationships, education, or serving others is what you love and brings you happiness everyday.

Whats the last thing you watched on Netflix?

Squid Game and All American.

Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

Mexico City, getting to experience a Megalopolis where the ancient Aztec ruins interconnect with the modern urban setting while preserving the culture, art, delicious cuisine and incredible people!

What pets did you have growing up?

Dog, birds, fish and cat.

What is a movie title that best describes you?


What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?

Wiggle my ears.

What is something you will NEVER do again?

Not follow my gut in stressful situations.

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? Or are you a mashup of celebrities? Which ones?

Yuri Sardarov.

Whats a brand or event that you would love to represent/work should the chance ever arise?


To learn more about Jorge feel free to check out his Instagram @jmagana3!