Jessica Jarrett is our Laner of the Week!

M / L

A newbie to the city, Jessica Jarrett is just learning the ropes of the big apple. She joined the Lane right when arriving in the city and worked as a baristi with Lavazza at the US Open. When asked about her experience on the Lane so far Jessica said: “I love the community – everyone is so incredibly welcoming and open-minded!” Jessica has been a great addition to the team and we couldn’t be more excited to work with her on other activations! 

“I think sliced cheese is an above average meal, and I think reading is cool AND fun.”

To check out more about Jessica you can head to her Instagram -@jessykakaa

What do you do outside the lane?

Public relations is my focus and my heart is in the nonprofit sector and the Arts.

What has been your favorite ML gig. 

I love being able to use my barista skills at the US Open, it has been a blast!

Blue vs Yellow?


What famous person would you want to meet?

JK Rowling

What is your spirit animal and why?

Pugs. No explanation necessary.

Favorite restaurant/ best item on the menu?

I have yet to eat chicken tenders I haven’t liked.

Something that made you smile today

Danced in a park with an old friend.

Celebrity crush

Jake Johnson- as Nick Miller of course

Morning or night person?


What flavor ice cream would you be and why?

Superman, I’m a little all over the place in a good way.

Best thing that happened to you this week

Played with a Dalmatian puppy!