We have some exciting news!! Mustard Lane has been working tirelessly for 12 years to provide survival jobs for young adults across the country. In the spirit of supporting our community we began hosting monthly happy hours for our New York team. Each Happy Hour we’d donate to a different charity, this inspired us to dig deeper and find out just how much we can help the community. After a year of working on this project we’re so excited to announce our non for profit, Off the Lane!
Our goals are threefold. Outreach, Projects, and Continued Education.
Our first goal of the OTL community will be to give back through outreach. We will be partnering with schools and children’s programs, utilizing our talent to produce workshops, teach classes and hold special events. Additionally, we are starting a mentorship program that will connect creative individuals looking to move to the city with current NYC Laners to bridge the gap, making a move to NYC smooth, seamless and stress-free.
Our special projects and events are going to be specifically geared to giving back to our community. Our goal is to provide easy access and hands-on help with resources, writing and providing grants for creative endeavors.
Lastly, we here at OTL feel it’s important to set yourself up as a business. Through frequent workshops and classes, our aim is to educate our community and keep them one step ahead. Looking towards the future instead of working their way from paycheck to paycheck. This continued education program will keep our crew up to date and in the know.
If you’re interested in reading more or getting involved head to our website! You can also follow our very new Instagram!