Meet Huy!! Our adventure seeking Laner of the Week!! Huy graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelors degree in Chemistry. He stays very active and loves watching and playing sports. His main interests are basketball, football, soccer, and tennis. When he’s not on the Lane or on the court, you can find him hiking and listening to EDM. This active guy wears many hats professionally and even teaches martial arts on the side. He’s one BUSY Laner and we love having his energetic spirit on the team!
What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?
I love being able to travel and meeting people. I like to do different jobs so this industry definitely helps in keeping me diverse and on my toes.
What is a quote that really resonates with you?
“Pray not for an easy life, but pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”
How do you define success?
Success to me is true happiness not contentment.
Whats the last thing you watched on Netflix?
Shadow and Bone.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?
What pets did you have growing up?
I had birds, hamsters but mostly dogs.
What is a movie title that best describes you?
What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?
Martial arts!
What is something you will NEVER do again?
Give up.
Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? Or are you a mashup of celebrities? Which ones?
Jet Li or Bruce Lee.
Whats a brand or event that you would love to represent/work should the chance ever arise?
The NACS show or a major sports event (Super Bowl, World Cup, Olympics, NBA finals, NCAA championship).
To learn more about Huy feel free to check out his Instagram @Huyzymane!