Carolina Ordonez is our Laner of the Week!

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Meet Carolina!  Another rockstar in our NYC team of Laners!  A performing artist and writer who recently moved back to NYC from Florida.  Originally from Miami, this Laner brings spice and her fabulous sense of humor to each event!  She loves exploring all the new opportunities that NYC has to offer and spends most of her time off the Lane auditioning.  We love having her on the team and can’t wait to see what she does next! 

Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?

I love getting to meet new people! It’s always fun to work alongside other Laners and make new friendships.

If you were a pie, what flavor would you be?

I’m feeling Key Lime.

What is your dream vacation?

I watched more tv as a kid than I probably should have. Every good sitcom had a Hawaii special, so definitely Hawaii, a la Full House or Saved By the Bell.

How would your best friend describe you?


What would we find in your fridge right now?

I’m the queen of a classic PB + J. It’s cost effective and the secret weapon of the NBA. If it’s good enough for Kevin Garnett, it’s good enough for me.

Who was your childhood crush?

John Stamos (forever).

What is your favorite 90’s jam?

I have to pick just one!? I Love You Always Forever by Donna Lewis.

What is your cheat day meal?

Pizza and ice cream for sure.

What is your greatest attribute as a BA?

My sense of humor.

What would be your superpower and why?

Definitely NOT flying, because I am terrified of heights. Time traveling would be really great

To learn more about Carolina feel free to check out her Instagram @notthatcaro!