Briana Fogleman is our Laner of the Week!!

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Meet Briana!! Our passionate and artistic Laner of the Week!! This Laner grew up between New Jersey and Arizona, but moved to New York after graduating college. She is in New York to pursue her passion for acting and teaching theatre to kids! She loves exploring new things and pushes herself to try new art forms! She is currently re-learning the piano and teaching herself to place the guitar! Off the Lane, you can find her eating sushi or even painting to de-stress! We love having her passionate and adventurous soul on our team!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

I love meeting new people and working with other artists! Everyone is so friendly and the energy is always great.

When you’re not on the Lane…what are you doing?!

Recently I’ve been doing a lot more reading, cooking, rock climbing, and desperately trying to keep my plants alive (I do not have a green thumb).

Favorite restaurant or food?


What is one of your goals for 2022?

To keep saying yes! I made it a goal about a year ago to take more chances and I’ve been liking the results so far.

Name a place you’d love to travel to. And why?!

Anywhere and everywhere, but I’d really love to see Alaska. My favorite book is based there and I’d love to put myself in that landscape (the book is The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah, it will make you cry).

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?

My favorite days are spent waking up late, getting a $7 coffee from my neighborhood shop, then spending the day baking or cooking something that I wouldn’t have time for otherwise.

Do you prefer podcasts or books? Favorite one?

I love both!! My favorite podcast is either my own (Thingamabob on all platforms) or Normal Gossip. Favorite book is The Great Alone or Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn.

What’s your hidden talent?!

Imitating voices/accents, but specifically pre-recorded or AI ones. Ask me for my Learning Spanish audiotape voice 😉

If you could have your dream job tomorrow, what would it be?

I’d love to be on a comedy show like Derry Girls or a “period” piece like Stranger Things. Anything with really good storytelling and well written characters!

What’s an essential part of your daily routine?

Coffee. I don’t even finish my cup half the time, I just like the idea of having it. 🙂

What is your favorite family or friend tradition?

My family has always had a real Christmas tree, and ever since I was little we go to a tree farm together to pick out the perfect one and cut it down ourselves, followed by instant hot cocoa or hot apple cider. It’s harder to do now that we’re all older but we still try to keep the tradition going when possible!

What inspires you most?

My little sister! I’ve never met anyone braver or more willing to stand up for what they believe in.

To learn more about Briana feel free to check out her Instagram @bri_foges!