A Chat with Rocco Schiralli

On September 19th, our event space, Meaux Space, will be hosting a very special art exhibit! It just so happens that Rocco Schiralli, father of Mustard Lane’s Director of Special Projects, Jillian, is an artist! This will be Meaux Space’s first art exhibit and we are so excited to host him and his artwork for our Mustard Lane/Off The Lane communities! We thought we’d chat with the artist himself to give a little insight into this showing…
Hi Rocco! We’re so excited to have you and your beautiful art here at Meaux Space! Can you tell us a little bit about this art exhibit?

I will be transporting approximately 20 original fine art paintings for a one evening event. In attendance will be friends of Meaux Space, art critics, and art agents. Additionally, I will have several pieces on screen as they will be too large to transport. I will answer any questions the guests may have and give an interpretation of a few paintings.
What kind of pieces will be featured?
My paintings are intense, thought provoking, and
multi-dimensional in nature. The art is designed to take the viewer beyond beyond. Also, in a paradoxical way, they bring you closer to the here and now, making one more aware of their thoughts and feelings. I will be unveiling my latest piece exclusively for this exhibit titled “Jesus is Gay”.

Are there specific themes for these pieces? Do you find that these pop up in a lot of your work or is this art exhibit a bit different for you?
One of my common themes, which I think about often is, “Life is beautiful, but sad”. The messages are inspired by both personal and social events. Observing human suffering and injustice can be overwhelming. I absorb these feelings. This can be self destructive because in many ways I feel powerless to make changes which can bring more equality in life. By putting this emotion on the canvas, perhaps social change can occur thru art. While some of my paintings may be dark in theme, all of them offer hope.
How did you find your way into painting? And how long have you been at it?
Though colorblind, I’ve been an artist my entire life.

Do you tend to find inspiration, sit down and knock a piece out or is it a more lengthy process?
Images appear in my head and I transfer them to the canvas. The process is faster than the speed of light. It moves at the speed of thought.
Are we going to be able to buy anything from the art exhibit? If so, any specific payment methods?
Yes, PayPal would probably work best. I will be bringing all of my finest originals.
Ok…now…we have to ask…what’s your favorite thing about Jillian? 😉

Is there a way for people to RSVP to the showing?
We’re keeping it simple! You can just send an email to rocco.schiralli@comcast.net
Is your art on display anywhere else? …a little birdie tells us you have an exhibit/gallery/café of sorts…? Do tell!

My wife Tammy and I have a gallery with a cafe in Valparaiso, IN, check it out at www.schiralliart.com
Come experience Rocco’s art exhibit in person at Meaux Space on Sept. 19th!
You can watch a PBS Special Interview of Rocco to learn even more!
Check out last week’s Laner of the Week feature!