Meet Bethany!! Our talented West Coast Laner!! She is spending her quarantine time with her best friend….mostly by the pool! Sounds pretty great to us! In her regular life, outside of the Lane you can find her flirting behind the front desk at Equinox. With all this new free time, she’s had the opportunity to work on acting exclusively and really focus her goals for the upcoming year when life returns to normal! She recently booked a commercial and is in the process of transitioning to film/tv!! Which means leaving behind her first love, Musical Theatre. We love her courageous spirit and can’t wait to have her back in Laner action!!
Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?
I’m continuously thanking my lucky stars that I have such a great company to work for. One thing I love about working with ML is the network of people that I’ve met and stayed in close touch with. I wouldn’t be as successful without my fellow Laners at events.
Where are you spending your Corona Quarantine time?
I am at my apartment in LA. I have my best friend and roommate Rachael Johnson with me and I’m so lucky I do! We get along great and get to spend time at the pool- always distancing from others.
What do you miss most about normal life/ what are you most looking forward to when this is over?
I am most looking forward to seeing my friends. I am also looking forward to eating at restaurants. Haha.
What is your favorite quarantined activity?
Coloring, laying at the pool, and working out/meditating.
Have you discovered any new hobbies during quarantine?
I am doing a voiceover workshop online and possibly am going to venture doing Voiceover part time!??!
If you’re supporting any local stores, which ones are your favorites?
Does online shopping at bath and body count?! Lol. Buying candles body wash and soaps.
Who is the last person you spoke to?
My friends Kirstie and David- we played beer pong over Zoom!
Positive take aways from having down time?
Having the time to focus on my goals and doing major spring cleaning to give me a clear head.
Quarantine tips and tricks for staying sane??
Meditation and workouts have kept me sane. I am doing a workout program- on week 4! It’s kicking my ass but giving me life.
What is your greatest attribute as a BA?
Reliability and I’m personable!