An Interview with Tara Layne Goebel!

M / L

Some of you may know Tara Layne from working in NYC years ago. She joined the Lane in 2006 when Dijon Express wasn’t even a thought! We feel so lucky to have her back on the Lane internally. Her previous work experience makes her a crucial part of the ML family! Read below to learn a little more about Tara Layne!

How long have you been working for the Lane and what has been your favorite ML gig?

I started working for ML as a Brand Ambassador in NYC in 2006! Kristal (our fearless leader) was beginning to build the business into what it is today. Even then, I was blown away that this young woman was managing hundreds of BA’s and hustling to grow her empire. I started working internally on the team in the summer of 2018 and worked one last BA gig for Victoria’s Secret. It was so much fun to get back into the grind and to interact with the customers! It was also my first job back after having our first baby, so it’s one I will always remember.

What has your journey with ML been like?

Working internally for Mustard Lane has truly been a dream!  Everyone on the team works hard and cares about one another. Specifically for me, I work mostly remotely.  With two small kiddos it has really allowed me to find the perfect balance between working and raising babies! I have also known most of the internal team for about 15 years. Working with them on a day to day basis is such a treat. I feel like it is more of a family than any other professional role I’ve been in.

If you could describe yourself in one word what would it be and why?

Strong. Living in New York, moving around the country, being a military wife and mom of 2 small babies has taught me that I am one strong woman!

Do you have any side hustles or passion projects outside of the Lane?

I do! My husband and I manage short term rentals. As a military family, we tend to move a lot! We have been fortunate to buy homes in some of the cities that we have lived in and use them as Airbnb rental properties! It’s definitely a big job but it’s wonderful seeing guests create memories in your space and we have hosted and met many lovely people over the last few years! As far as passion goes, I started a blog to embrace my two favorite things!, wine and babies! You can check it out at

What was your favorite memory from living in NYC?

Where to even begin!! NYC will always be a home to me. I moved straight out of college and lived there for about 7 years before meeting my husband. It really developed me into the strong, creative, and driven person that I am today. I lived all over Manhattan during those years and moving was always such an experience. One of the memories that always makes me laugh has to be a rainy day move to the Upper East Side. My two very small roommates and I rented a Uhaul somewhere in Harlem. We then had to drive it through the city in the pouring rain. It was probably the most heroic thing I’ve ever done. All survived and the move was completed. Thinking back to that still makes me smile.

What makes you excited/passionate about working at ML?

I love working with artists and providing them work while they pursue their dreams. The internal team is like minded on this and it’s nice to have a collective goal of meeting the clients needs while providing an opportunity for hustlers all over the country!

If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live?

I’m currently based in Georgia. While it has true southern charm, I’m looking forward to being back in Nashville one day. We lived there years ago and have always thought of it as home. Or….and Italian countryside. One or the other!

What is your biggest challenge being a working momma of two kids?

I love being a working momma!! For me, having a routine and plan is key! When I’m working I really try to concentrate and dive in. When I’m with them, I unplug and live in the moment. The biggest challenge for us is getting reliable childcare set up! Since we move around it’s really hard to trust new people with our little ones. It’s definitely a work in progress!!

Where did you grow up?

Hoosier girl. I grew up in Evansville, Indiana. I loved my childhood in Indiana and the Midwest. I’m very grateful for my friendships and family ties that I still have there to this day. Even after being gone all these years!

If you could give any advice to working moms of young children out there, what would it be?

I would first say that you’re doing great! These years with little ones aren’t easy but they are so very precious. No parenting/working set up is perfect and you will always want more time or more success. Try to love yourself enough to not let that guilt creep in. You’re killin it! 🙂