Meet Gary!! Our busy and intelligent Laner of the Week!! We could all use some happiness and inspiration these days!! Our own Gary is keeping his life busy and staying sane by trying online workouts and reading new books! In his time off the Lane, Gary works as a freelance event manager, event producer, and marketing consultant. He runs a small business, Local Amp LLC, which allows him to take on multiple short term contracts! When he’s not doing ALL of that, he likes to do video and photography for weddings and corporate events! What a well rounded and talented Laner!! We love having him on the team!
Why do you LOVE working on the Lane?
MUSTARD is the best at what they do! They always treat employees with respect and allow us to problem solve on the job using open lines of communication to make sure an activation runs smoothly for not just the client and production company, but for the brand ambassadors too!
What are you doing to stay healthy and sane during Corona?
I’m spending my Corona time at home in West Philly with my partner, Emma. My favorite quarantine activities are coding and reading.
What advice would you give to others on staying sane during social distancing?
Find an activity/hobby/interest you’re passionate about and work to build something – be it a creative project or a skillset to improve.
The hard hitting questions…if you could be any kind of pie, what would you be?
Classic apple with a slice of melted American cheese and an America flag pick.
Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Young Robert Redford.
What is your go to karaoke song?
One song glory.
Where can we find you when you’re not on the Lane?
I’m a freelance event manager, event producer, and marketing consultant. When I’m not on the lane you will find me running my small business, Local Amp LLC.
What is your favorite 90’s jam?
Sublime’s Sublime album.
What new interests have you discovered during the self quarantine?
I discovered online workout videos during the quarantine.
What is the wallpaper on your phone right now?
Color explosion
What is your greatest attribute as a BA?
To learn more about Gary feel free to check out his Instagram @garyjbergman!