Well, folks, it’s the end of a quarter! As 2024 comes to an end, we’ve completed the first quarter of the 2000’s! Here at Mustard Lane, it’s certainly been a rocky year as we’ve navigated great loss and change. But, we are excited to move onward into the new year. Before we can fully do that though…we want to acknowledge all that has happened on the Lane in 2024!
It may be the end of a quarter, but it’s certainly not the end of finding new Laners! In 2024, we had 138 new Laners join our roster! Wowza! We’re so grateful for Courtney, who heads up all things Casting. It’s been really special to have her working remotely as she travels the country with the National Tour of Funny Girl. Why? Because for the first time ever, we’ve got someone on the ground nationally! Throughout the summer and fall, Courtney was able to meet and catch up with several Laners who were in the same town her show was in. Pretty cool! We’re also excited to have expanded our roster in some markets like Seattle and Vermont!
Now, in addition to those new Laners, we also had 2,991 Laners work overall this year! We’re proud of this! Getting these lovely people – most of whom are all freelancers/creatives – booked on gigs that fit their schedules and help pay the bills is the main reason we do what we do! With 331 events, broken down into 9,410 shifts…that’s a lot of job opportunities for these fantastic folks this year. We are so happy to be a part of that.
Of course, we wouldn’t have shifts to book without our clients! In 2024, those previously mentioned 331 gigs all came from 91 clients. We love the fact that it’s not 331 clients – that means producers and agencies we work with love our Laners and their hard work, and they keep comin’ back! Success!
It may be the end of a quarter, but it’s also the beginning of a new one! And we are so excited for all the gigs, Laners and clients to come. Happy Holidays and we’ll see you in 2025!
Go ahead and review all our offerings for your upcoming gigs in 2025!