Our LANER OF THE WEEK is Angelo McDonough!

Matthew Borchers

Angelo, our Laner of the Week, is originally from Boston, MA and moved to the Big City for college in 2014 to pursue musical theatre. His relationship with performing has been a long and lengthy one and he’s been excited to explore even more passions! Angelo has always loved working in events and bringing people together, which led him to co-found West of Lincoln NYC which brings queer programming and pop-up events to neighborhoods in NYC that are lacking queer spaces. You can follow them at @westoflincoln.nyc on instagram to check it out! But for now…more about Angelo!

What do you like about Mustard Lane or just working events in general?

I’ve only been a Laner for a little over a month, but The Mustard Lane community has been my favorite part so far. Meeting new people at each event that are so open, cool and chill make working these so enjoyable.

When you’re not on the Lane…what are you doing?!

I am currently in the process of starting a concierge business on the Cape in Provincetown, MA with a friend! It’s exciting and overwhelming at the same time, but it’s one of my favorite places in the world and it gives me an excuse to keep going back.

Favorite restaurant or food?

ROKC in my neighborhood of Hamilton Heights! I crave their ramen daily (not kidding,) and the cocktails they have are so creative and delicious. BIG fan of literally everything else on their menu too (shoutout to the pork bun, scallop ceviche, yuzu edamame & karaage!!)

What is one of your goals for 2024?

I think a big goal of mine right now is to just keep doing and finding things that make me happy. I’m trying to be more intentional about the decisions I make in my life, rather than just saying “yes” to something because it pays, or feels like I should. It’s a more difficult practice than I expected, but I’m loving the outcome so far.

What is your favorite place or travel experience? Any fun stories here?

I will have to say my favorite travel destination is Provincetown, MA. It is the perfect combination of relaxing and exciting. The beaches are gorgeous, the community is so welcoming, and I would love to live there someday (when I find $5 million.) I moved there for 4 months last summer to perform and work as a houseboy at an Inn in town so there are….many fun stories to be told 🙂

What’s your favorite way to spend a day off from the Lane?

Honestly, doing nothing!! I feel like the weeks can fill up pretty quickly, so if I find myself having a day where there is nothing on the schedule I love to veg out. I love going to the park with friends too and just relaxing in the outdoors if it doesn’t feel like death outside. Whatever it is, it has to be chill!

Favorite media you’ve consumed recently? (Theatre, music, TV, film etc!)

Let’s see…I hate to say it, but Love Island USA is giving me LIFE right now. Also Charli XCX, Gracie Abrams & Omar Apollo’s new albums have been the soundtrack to my summer so far! #bratsummer

It’s summer…beach or pool?!

Both because why can’t we have it all?? (but beach probably!)

What’s your hidden talent?!

I don’t know if I really have a hidden talent….but people are shocked to find out I am quite handy and good with power tools!

If you could have your dream job tomorrow, other than Laner of the Week, what would it be?

My 11 year-old self would love to keep performing consistently, and my 32 year-old self would love to run his own events company.

Is your coffee iced or hot during the summer months?

Cold always!! Even in the winter! Judge me!

What’s an essential part of your daily routine?

Music. Need it in my ears. It sets my mood and gets me in the right headspace.

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

That adulting is HARD and that you will not have everything figured out by your 30’s 🙂

What’s a brand or event that you would love to represent or work as a Laner should the chance ever arise?

I’d love to work an event for The Trevor Project, or an organization that focuses on progressive change, and a safer world for the LGBTQ+ community.

What inspires you most?

My people. They’re always killing it, and it makes me want to constantly be better.

To learn more about Angelo, check out his instagram @angelonibologna.

Go check out our Open Mic Night, which had a triumphant return last week!