If you follow Mustard Lane at all, you know that we have many an early morning call time. You may even see us in front of Cafe Metro at 6 AM, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and (somehow) smiling. And you also might have seen us behind the bar at JWT until all hours of night. So what’s the secret? Real Beanz.
We started working with this Brooklyn-based coffee company early this year, and they have been keeping Laners caffeinated ever since. They offer five delicious flavors of iced coffee: caramel, mocha, decaf vanilla nut, cappuccino, and diet cappuccino. We’re particularly grateful for that last one. Diet coffee drinks can be hard to find, and #Laners have to keep trim! We also have to keep awake. Every single one of their beverages is stocked full of natural ingredients, with no harmful chemicals, and each packs a lot of flavor. You can find Real Beanz coffee at just about any Whole Foods in the tri-state area. In fact, you might even see a Laner handing you a free sample. You have got to try it, It’s delicious. The world may run on Dunkin, but on Mustard Lane, we run on Real Beanz!