Our internal team here at Mustard Lane is VERY excited to be welcoming some new all stars!! As business amps back up we are preparing ourselves to handle all the fun ahead! We are thrilled to be adding a few familiar and fresh faces to tackle all that 2021 has in store!
Let’s get to know them! First up, Karen Webb!
Tell us a little about yourself!
Hey y’all, Karen Webb here. I’m originally from Macon, Ga. I have
I lived in NYC since 2008, and have been “On the Lane” since
I love so many things about life in the Big Apple… the lights, the
fast pace, the energy (it’s like no other), all of the theatre… but,
I’m also of lover of country music, cowboy boots and all things
fringe! 🙂
What brought you to NYC and working with ML?
My passion for musical theatre and dance, and of course those
big city lights brought me to NYC! NYC’s skyline at night is like no
What has your journey been like with ML?
An amazing one, to say the least. I was introduced to the Lane by
a fellow cast mate, Jesmille Darbouze, when I was doing the show NINE
here in NY in early 2010. Mustard Lane was still very small
considered to what it is now. I worked my first shift with Kristal
actually! I immediately knew ML was a fitting additional job for me.
The flexibility it allows to still pursue other passions, working with
all sorts of various companies, types of people, and locations was
right up my alley…something new to see, learn, and do every
shift! I honestly, learned my way around the entire city and the
subway system through ML gigs! I can’t say enough of how
wonderful it’s been over the last ten years to be able to travel and
go away for theatre contracts and then be able to jump right back
in with a job in NYC when I return. I’d be hard pressed to find
another job like this, and I’m so grateful for Mustard Lane. It has
been my saving grace in NYC!
What has been your fave gig on the field?
I have to pick one!? Impossible! Hmm… In no particular order…
some memorable ones are YouTube’s Brandcast, Macy’s Flower
Show, Healthy Tiffany, Selfie with a Sailor during Fleet Week,
Olay, Wonderland with Royal Caribbean… but I’ve very much
enjoyed the events I’ve worked, bartended, or managed at Meaux
Space…which makes this new role even more fitting!
What are you most looking forward to in your new role?
I love learning new things, so…. learning the ins and outs of what
all happens internally, BEFORE the events… from the marketing
side, the communication with clients-planning their events…to the
bookings, the contracts, and ultimately the amazing events
themselves are all very interesting to me. And let’s not forget
about the weekly Meaux Drink creations!
The stunning office views of the city, with such smart and sweet
people teaching me the ropes along the way, sure doesn’t hurt
either! I’m loving being able to work with Jillian on the daily. She
has has such vast knowledge of Meaux Space and I’m learning
so much from her!
If you could live anywhere besides NYC, where would it be?
If I had to pick somewhere right this second… I’d have to say
Nashville, TN. It’s a good mix of many things I love. When I’m not
here in NYC, away working on a theatre contract, or visiting my
family in Ga…you can probably find me in Nashville on a
barstool, listening to Live music with my sister, Jennifer. We
always have such a great time together!
If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?
I like to say I’m a Jill-of-all-trades! (It’s hyphenated so I’m gonna
count it as one word) It really pays off to have lots of special skills
in the events world, in theatre…and in daily life too!
Describe your perfect NYC day from beginning to end.
Ooh… this is fun… I’m just going to bullet point one example:
•Sleep in
•Brooklyn Bagel (with an iced coffee!)
•Sowly get ready for the day
•Walk around…maybe to a park…or Citibike with friends around
the neighborhood. That’s a new one for me! 🙂
•No plans… but there are endless places to explore in NYC, so
definitely go on adventures wherever the mood strikes that day…
•Find a happy hour somewhere that strikes our fancy…
•Head home…Order IN from somewhere local and delicious…like
Thai food! (I love ordering Thai food in Astoria from Enthaice,
Eatzy (where Leng used to be), or Hero Thai. All are delish!
•Netflix and Chill at night with ice cold beer… or wine (if I’m feelin’
That sounds to me like pretty nice day right there! 🙂
Let’s note that the itinerary above will change as soon as Broadway shows open back up and Live concerts are back in full swing! Those will definitely be included.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
How much are we talking… a scratch off or the Powerball? Haha.
If I won the lottery, I would try to keep it as hush hush as possible.
I’d first probably go on a vacay to celebrate and take a moment to
plan what to do with all this unexpected moolah. I don’t know that
I would do any one particular thing with all of the money… but I
would absolutely do for others more. I would pick up the tabs
when out to dinner, donate to charities, non-profits, and theaters I
feel strongly about supporting, and of course plan lots of travel
adventures! I’ll think of more things when that time comes!
What is a fun fact about you that others may not know?
A Fun fact?! Throughout 2020 I completed four semesters of
American Sign Language classes through the Sign Language
Center here in NYC (three of which were virtual due to the
I’ve really enjoyed them and hope to continue classes… learning
more and improving as time goes on. Eventually I’d love to
combine this with my passion for theatre and music, and interpret
live theatrical shows and concerts!
“Hi, my name is Karen. Nice to meet you!”